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Bribe, Swindle or Steal

Dec 26, 2018

 For today’s holiday podcast, we’re re-posting the amazing story of wine fraudster, Rudy Kurniawan, who duped so many experts with his counterfeits.   Peter Hellman of the Wine Spectator tells the story in his excellent book:  In Vino Duplicitas

Dec 19, 2018

Tax evasion, money-laundering and fraud: Jeff Kelly Lowenstein describes his research--and that of colleagues--into the surprising forms of financial crime associated with lotteries. (Their research was supported by the Fund for Investigative Journalism)

Dec 17, 2018

Bruce Horowitz of TRACE Partner Firm Paz Horowitz Abogados in Quito talks about current anti-bribery challenges and enforcement trends in Ecuador.

Dec 12, 2018

Robert Clark, Manager of Legal Research at TRACE, discusses the challenges associated with measuring something as widespread and varied as corruption and refinements to the 2018 TRACE Bribery Risk Matrix after another year of research.

Dec 5, 2018

Speaking at the TRACE European Forum, Michelle de Kluyver of Addleshaw Goddard provides a comprehensive and insightful update on the UKBA and recent enforcement trends in the UK.