Aug 25, 2021
Walt Pavlo discusses the accounting fraud at MCI that led to his two-year prison sentence, his book “Stolen Without a Gun: Confessions from inside history’s biggest accounting fraud,”and his second career with Prisonology
Aug 18, 2021
Peter Elkind tells the story of the Enron financial scandal; it’s a timely refresher on that corporate disaster as the Trump Administration rolls back financial regulations.
Aug 16, 2021
Sarah Chayes describes her time in Afghanistan and discusses the link between corruption and national security.
Aug 11, 2021
Jack Ewing of the New York Times in Frankfurt discusses his excellent book, “Faster, Higher, Farther: The Volkswagen Scandal,” and the outrageous fraud and cover-up uncovered by a handful of WVU students.
Aug 4, 2021
Craig Whitlock of the Washington Post describes the sleaze and corruption that compromised the top ranks of the Seventh Fleet.